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old. There is a chance that the sun is older than 4.6 billion years and that carbon dating just can't date anything older than that.
        The earth has a magnetic field that the other planets do not have. This is because part of the core is liquid, earth is cooling down from the inside all the time and one-day the core will solidify and not produce a magnetic field. This may have already happened to Venus. Mars if it was warmed up could melt part of its core and thus produce a magnetic field. Point: All the planets would logically have a magnetic field if they were in the right temperature zone.

        It is well known that we need water for life. You may wonder where this water would come from for other planets. Well it is one of the most abundant compounds in the solar system. Mostly in the form of ice, it makes up a large portion of the moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn. There is also evidence of it lying just metres below the surface of Mars and is the fifth largest component of Venus's atmosphere. 

        When we look at the evolutionary chain we see bacteria came first, perhaps 4 billion years ago. 2 billion years down the line comes the first plant. Who is to say bacteria takes 2 billion years to evolve into plants. Perhaps bacteria didn't evolve into plants on earth until the atmosphere was warm enough or moist enough, there could be countless reasons for the time delay. The development from bacteria to plants might only take a million years and under the right conditions evolution could happen very quickly.

        One more point, this on the subject of life in the universe. Scientists forget the ability of life's tenacity to exist. Add that to the numerous unknown factors and we have a universe that could be teaming with life everywhere.

                                    THE BEGINNING

                14th generation, universal simalo had the rare chance of witnessing the main event. Their neighbour universe had been collapsing now at an amazing rate for as long as this generation could remember. Hundreds of thousands had been gathering on an outer planet, of the outermost solar system to get the best view. It had taken almost satron year,(the same length as the earth year) to get things ready for the masses of simalo who were coming to witness the event first hand. The event, taking place was the end and beginning of a universe. Being five billion light years away, the size of the telescope used was by no means small enabling the viewers to watch second by second the universe to a point of nothingness and explode again to create a whole new realm for life to flourish.

        The rest of the simalo would be able to watch the transmitted pictures wherever in the universe they were and all would be watching. The event would be recorded, intended for later generations and the three galaxial peoples who hadn't quite overcome the temptations of greed to evolve to universals.

        Simalos had begun to sit watching the huge screen as it showed a not so very bright spot get smaller and smaller. The dullness was due to the large portion of black

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